April 4, 2011

this is the week i hit my goal. and i was too focused on weight watchers' bs to realize it. i was too caught up in my plateau fight to notice. i know my body better than they do. i know the BMI is a fucked up system i can happily ignore. i know now that i should've just made an appointment with my doctor to have her sign off on what i know is my healthy weight. so i changed my system goal back to what i've always wanted it to be: 130 pounds of fat, bone and muscle. this is the image i'm going to hold on to:

because this is my happy self. i'm going to finish out april to give myself time to pull what i need from the site. after that, weight watchers and i will no longer be involved formally. i don't need to be a weight watchers lifetime member to prove anything to myself or others. yes, i will miss the meetings and weekly support. but i still have a lot of support from outside of that group. i know i need to pay attention to what and how much goes into my body. i know i need to stay active. i will continue to do so on both fronts. i will also monitor my weight at home on a more regular basis. i'm sure the wii will like all the attention ;) i know we never plan to backslide, but i intend to be as proactive as possible to prevent that situation. planning ahead is my strong suit, and it has always been my key to success

as for this blog, i think i'm going to shut it down at the end of april. i will never delete it, but it's all tied up in my weight watchers journey. i find the need to cut it loose when i cut them. as such, i'll probably post more over at in it to gym it to keep me accountable. and there will definitely be updates at desultory of my cooking adventures. the last two years have taught me a lot, but i think it's time to move on to the next stage


  1. Congratulations on making goal! And for doing what you feel is right with stepping away from WW. It's definitely more about how you feel vs. what a number or chart says.

  2. thanks! it's definitely time to focus on me and not the numbers

  3. Congrats! What a perfect birthday present!!!!

  4. AWESOME!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you!
