March 30, 2011

1.2 down

1.8 to go. it's hard to be excited or even angry at this point though. look at this bull:

that highlighted section at the bottom? what. thefuck. is that??? literally, right back where i started a month ago. plateau rages on, and i continue to maintain my true goal weight (130 - i'm 129.8 now). so either, i stop going to weight watchers or find a way to shake off those fucking two pounds. cause i'm not paying past april. i'm taking that $40 a month and putting it towards a gym membership or yoga pass or a new coach clutch. i'm tired of paying for you, fat. you gotta fucking go


  1. You can do it!! And you will!! :)

  2. in my head, i've already done it. i know my body better than weight watchers :p :) i hit my goal on the 2nd so this should be my 2nd to last week of maintenance. *sigh* i'm mostly over playing their little game. i'm grateful for all i've learned, but i will never accept the BMI as law when it comes to healthy weight
