June 18, 2010

2.2 down

and i'm feeling pretty damn good about that :) i am officially over the 45lb mark, which is RIDICULOUS. almost a fourth of me is gone! between my komen training and parsing out my extra points, i'm doing well without trying very hard. i'll probably be up next week (thanks, uterus and fun weekend plans), but it should only be about a pound. the other thing is i've dropped into another weight bracket. i lost another point (must eat more veggies must eat more veggies must eat...), and am one bracket away from my goal bracket. 19.4 to go until goal! i need to remember to talk to S before or after the meeting next week. it's the last step in making it all really real in terms of weight watchers :)

here are some other random things from my week...

- i'm thinking about taking photos of what i eat. partly because this will be an eating out intensive week; partly because some of what i eat is so damned delicious looking (and tasting). photo journaling adds an extra layer of accountability that i might need in the upcoming days. although, i wish i'd started on wednesday. mom and i went to chili's after the meeting, and they have a new guacamole recipe that was super yum. i didn't even mind that it had corn all up in it (and i HATE corn). i also tried the new skinny margarita (100 calories, sugar free mix), which went very nicely with my chicken fajitas

- i signed up to participate in a grocery challenge/giveaway. allyou.com is hosting the challenge, which will run for a month. i got a reminder email about it today. the official first day is sunday, and i've already started figuring out how to get more for less. first (no brainer) is coupons out the ass. i signed up with coupons.com and redplum.com so i don't have to keep stealing my mom's coupons. it's a bit sucky because so far 90% of the coupons are for things i don't buy, but i'm still holding out hope i'll find them useful. if not, oh well. not like the sites cost me anything :p the other piece i'm focusing on is sucking it up on buying store brands instead of my favorite name brands. i will never compromise on peanut butter and milk, but i don't really need to have the fancy schmancy name on a lot of other stuff... it's kind of convenient that this challenge is starting next week cause i'm way low on food. gonna make a list tomorrow, and shop on sunday. i doubt i'll win (prize: $1000 grocery card), but i like being challenged to pay more attention to my foods and spending

- shayna over at life forward wrote a post that got me thinking about my weight loss in a different way. it's odd that i wax and wane in my acceptance of what i do. this week, i feel in control of my health and my body. in responding to her post, i realized that i actually took more control than i was thinking. "the best part of the last year is finding something that works and realizing i determine how i want to live. i'm not too lazy or busy to be healthy" i said that. i meant it. no matter how tired, overwhelmed or disinterested i am, i can change my life. i have changed my life. i know my consistency is crap, but even those little set backs can't negate the accomplishment of the last 14 months of my life. 46.8 pounds - i did this! without starving myself or killing myself at the gym. i didn't do it completely alone because i have all of you pushing me forward, picking my ass up when i stumble and generally supporting me. so really, we did it :) thanks for all the support, blog friends

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