May 20, 2010

2.8 down

i was so focused on doing actual work today, i almost forgot to post. silly me :)

so look at that exciting number. i'm at almost 45 pounds down since last year. i'm 1.4 away from my interim goal and 21.4 from the ultimate number. how crazy is that??? i promptly celebrated last night with too many potato chips and a glass of wine. oops lol... i'm feeling energized again (i'm getting a hold on work, the weather is beautiful and i took a leap towards my goal) so there might be some working out tonight. i might even talk N in to assembling the treadmill... there's a few more hours left in my day so we'll see if i can keep the positivity on the front bunner

in other things, i realized yesterday that i buttoned a new button on my shirt. i'd done it last week, too, but didn't notice. being a busty girl, i've always worn my clothes a certain way. buttoned under the bust and over the belly, untucked because tucking is for dorks. well when the belly got bigger, i only buttoned two because the third wouldn't stay. i'm now buttoning all three again! not the most exciting news, but still something good. i know i've been talking about my clothes a lot lately. i just can't help it. it's the first change i seem to notice, and the easiest to focus on when thinking of non-scale victories

so... yea. good week for me. has it been a good week for you? :)

ps - tuesday was my blogaversary, and i forgot oops. happy anniversary to me :p