February 21, 2011

week8 #WWW

Life's Journey with a Smile

this week's questions:
  1. What have you done this past week to help you achieve your goals?
  2. Pretty much everywhere this past week experienced some mild weather – did this change have any effect on you?
  3. Walk us through your ideal workout.
  4. What happened in the last week that you have to brag about?
  5. Fun Question of the Week: Spring Fever has hit the stores… what’s your favourite thing to shop for in the Spring?
question 1: tried a few new recipes this weekend. one i'm really looking forward to eating tonight. did not enjoy the mac and cheese soup as much as i thought i would; i may have added too much carrot giving it a weird texture... got my veggies in every day, even though i struggled a little fri and sat. not sure how i'll do at this week's weigh in since i ate a ton those two days. went to a funeral fri, and took jesse to medieval times sat. i'm hoping my workouts help curb any gains. granted, i may have overworked myself on sat. decided to do rev abs, and def strained my back muscles. my right side was so tense afterwards, and now my entire left side is super sore

question 2: it's been weird here. beautiful warm days with super intense wind. didn't notice much change in my mood or motivation for my health goals. it did make my commutes less grouchy though :)

question 3: ideal? cardio and strength training combo that pushes me. i like a challenge, and i don't mind getting sweaty. if you look cute after finishing a workout, you aren't trying hard enough (or you're made of plastic, barbie girl)

question 4: sometimes i use time with my boy as an excuse not to stay on top of things. we only get 48 hours together so i'd prefer spending as much of that time snuggling and such. i worked out, cooked and did some homework this weekend. jesse was playing games (or sleeping) most of the time so at least we were in the same room. we also cooked dinner together again - britt's cheesy garlic mash and steak :) super yum with ciabatta rolls

question 5: i'm so super excited about sundresses. i never used to be much of a dress person, but i've totally fallen in love. they go so well with flipflops :D

via we heart it
{this week was gorgeous, and this pic makes me think of the upcoming warmer months :)}

my progress plus all the weekly questions on skinny (goals 1-4) and desultory (goals 5-10)

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