August 5, 2010

0.6 down

i'm not going to further complain about my week (or, more accurately, the last few months) since you can read that over here. instead i'm just going to say that this loss was not deserved. even though the scale was positive, i do not believe i had a good week. at least i didn't eat a ton of junk. N even invited me to lunch with some old coworkers on saturday. i declined because a) i have little control at cheesecake factory b) i didn't want to spend more money i didn't have and c) it's the only weekend i won't be eating out in two months... because of the lack of workouts this week, i'm going to cram them in after work. i'm going to be so tired, but it's vital that i do something. N and i are having a boozey weekend; plus i might be having birthday brunch with a couple friends

it's going to be another questionable week

(image from country hound)

1 comment:

  1. Let us celebrate our victories and hope that chance is on our side next time around as well.
    Stay strong!
