June 3, 2010

1.2 down

well i didn't quite find all my motivation, but i got my ass out of bed this morning to walk. i'm officially walking a 20 minute mile; i can typically do a 15 minute mile on the elliptical so i'm quite pleased with myself today. N and i even had a cheery exchange this morning, which is so bizarre. we are NOT morning people so we tend to converse in neanderthal grunts. so yea, i've walked 10.41 miles this week... wow! i hadn't totaled that til just now, and it's not too shabby. having skipped once in four days, i'm feeling pretty good :) i need to check the training schedule though cause i think i'm supposed to be closer to 12 miles already. no big though; i can start exactly on track next week. i know part of my issue is sleeping (if i don't go to bed around 10, i'm useless in the mornings until 830 and i need to be at work by 9/930). so i'm gonna double team my system: bedtime at 10pm and workout time at 7am. must stick to schedule must stick to schedule...

on the weight loss, i once again have no idea. my body makes less sense to me these days so i'm just going to keep doing what i'm doing. my pants fit great (so close to those 10s), and i'm getting compliments left and right. one of my favorite employees (which is a short list these days) was in our office yesterday. he asked me a question over IM, and then scared the shit out of me cause i didn't know he was in annapolis. i already thought he was a sweetheart, but then he commented on how great i look, asked what i've been doing, how much i've lost, etc. he's trying to lose a few pounds himself, but said he doesn't have the discipline for weight watchers. it isn't necessarily for everyone, but i love the fact it's working for me. so i felt a bit better all around after that brief conversation. plus you just can't not smile with him around, which aids in the mood boosting. right after he visited my little cube, i stopped being inundated with stupid emails/calls. it was amazing and a wee creepy. i'm hoping it was just the universe giving me a break so i didn't try to papercut myself to death :p

after surviving another work day, i rolled off to my meeting. ugh i wish i'd skipped it though. we had a substitute for our substitute. K is taking a break because her life was getting a bit overwhelming so S is temporarily leading. they both have a lot of energy and a natural ability to get us all energized. last night, S was helping with some bar mitzvah prep so MA stood in for her. she was... not good. she was your typical middle aged annapolis woman, with her power suit and her diamond rings (she was wearing four!). and she asked questions in that "i don't really want an answer, i just want to tell you what i think" kind of way. it was like being lectured for half an hour. plus some of what she said wasn't 100% accurate, which pissed me off immensely. everyone seemed kinda dead until we started the celebrations (two women had huge loses and my mom's friend hit her first 5% goal). i spent the whole time checking my twitter, and praying for it to be over. wasn't sure which would be ruder: leaving early or ignoring her. they're probably equally rude, but i really don't care. i can't wait to have crazy S back next week; her positivity is contagious sometimes. plus i want to share with her my walking success. it's come up a few times how difficult it can be for me to "squeeze in" activity. this week is shaping up to be a win, and i know she'll share in my happy, too :)


  1. I found you through Probably Tabitha's Weigh-in Wednesday thing. Congratulations on losing 1.2 lbs. I'm recently started my weight loss journey and will be staying in touch to see how you're doing.
    Take care!

  2. You're still doing AWESOME!! How is Rev Abs working for you?!

  3. thanks, both of you :)

    @Christina: i haven't done it every week cause it's kicking my ass. but i love it for kicking my ass lol. it's on the agenda for tomorrow since that's my cross training day :D
