May 3, 2010

bye week

i decided not to weighing in on wednesday. i ate far too much last week, and i'd rather not know the damage. so i started a new week with a clean slate, and i'm taking it from the top. i planned ahead to avoid some of the issues of last weekend. thursday, i put in everything i wanted to eat through today, making adjustments as needed. and i've managed to eat within my points each day since :) today we're having dinner with N's parents. steaks and grilled veggies are on the menu, and i'm super excited. i popped those into the system, and i still have 2 daily and 34 weekly points left. monday and tuesday should be good regardless because whatever i eat will still be within my weekly limits. that's been my biggest problem the last few weeks. i always eat far too much and have to make up the difference at the last minute. it sucks, and it's dumb. i should know better, but i've gotten food lazy. part of my new plan also relates to my current budget. this week is little grocery week so i need to figure out what i want before wednesday. then i need to pare down to what i need for the week. the goal is not to spend any more than $10 on essentials. unfortunately, i might have to adjust that limit down this week since i was over budget last week. shouldn't be too hard though since i think i only need milk and strawberries (love me some strawberries)

speaking of monies, i finally mapped out my bonus plan for my little self challenge. i started a few savings accounts over at smartypig a couple weeks ago so i have three goals to work towards. since these are bonuses to help me get to my goals faster, the amounts are low. the current plan encompasses a few different things: general working out, training for the komen walk and eating out. general working out includes the wii, turbo jam and revabs (which i did for the first time today. awesome!). komen training is a LOT of walking. there's also a miscellaneous category to include my walks to class, chores around the house and such. the eating out could be hard so i have a reward and penalty based on how i do each week. i decided to start the challenge with my new slate instead of waiting til the new month. so far i have one workout and one dinner out noted, which already puts me in the hole lol. my hope is that by the end of the month, i'll have a good routine that'll get me earning more than i'm losing :)

how do you challenge yourself?

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