January 13, 2011

3.0 down

how crazy is that shit?! i'm pretty sure at least half of that is water weight. i retain water like a camel the week before my period. it's ridonkculous... so i guess this is my prize for enduring cramps all day [the sporadic SUPER painful kind my friend calls zingers]. because of some things i have read this week, i am trying to hate my body less. the day after i decide to be nice to myself (blog post coming next week) my uterus gives me the finger. our relationship is still complicated... the rest of me? holy shit. i seriously don't know. i was not expecting such a huge loss. that's almost half way to goal! oh yea, so i had to set that officially. i guess i missed a step when sally and i talked about it a few months ago because my goal was not in the system. but it's in my etools. none of the weight watchers systems sync it seems. i had to update my stupid address last week, which is actually the 4th time i've changed it with weight watchers. it took them three tries to get my mailings correct :p so tonight, i made it official with kathy. 128, here i come! with only 3.6 pounds to go, i could be on maintenance by the 2nd week of february. the only reason that disappoints me is because on my original timeline, i would have made lifetime the week of my 27th birthday. double special celebrations :)

i'm not going to worry about that for now though. i'll just try to stay focused on knocking off those last few pounds. gotta stave off the "omg what have i done can i sustain this am i crazy" panic of being at goal. i'll worry about that later. because for now?

(image from weheartit)

i want to revel in this moment :)


  1. Great job! Almost there!!!

  2. Revel away, girl! That's an awesome accomplishment, water weight or no!

  3. thanks, ladies! i'm still riding high from last night :)
