November 9, 2010

stumbling blocks

my weekend away was lovely. thanks for asking :) i did not, however, do very well on the food front. with all the meals (including a sheetz trip) i kinda overate my week. i did manage to get a few activity points, but not enough to make a dent in the quality of munchables i consumed. luckily (and annoyingly), the cupcake place was closed on sunday so we didn't buy a dozen as planned. i did have a tiny epiphany though. i am really not able to self monitor. i knew this going in, but it hit me hard this week. i haven't been to a meeting since the semester started, and it's crushing me. i miss getting the feedback, congrats and just positive energy from the rest of the group. my hope was to hit goal by the end of the year. i'll be lucky if i lose even a few pounds by that point. at the rate i'm going, it's going to be a long ass winter

i'm scared, annoyed and a little hopeful. i know my issues and weaknesses. i'm going to try to work on them. i am going to walk in to weight watchers tomorrow and try not to let the numbers shake me. i am expecting a gain so i'm going to keep my head up as best i can. i am going to keep trying to break back into my good habits: getting up early, working out and eating right. today, i was awake a little after 6am. around 7ish, i popped in turbo sculpt. even though i'm more fatigued (period next week), i attempted to do every rep in every set. i promptly crawled back in to bed to putz around even though i should've showered and eaten. what? i'm an internet addict :p i had pancakes and eggs for breakfast with syrup and milk. i had two fun size 3 musketeers for lunch (yea, i know). dinner was a giant pile of spaghetti with sauce and parmesan. i made more than intended so i skipped the glass of wine. i'm now on my 3rd glass of water for the day. not the best, but an improvement... granted, it's still not helpful given my gluttonous weekend. i am going to do better. i just can't wait til i can go back to my meeting so i can get my face to face positive reinforcement. that's when i'll fully get back on the wagon. only a few more weeks :)

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