October 14, 2010

no change

i'll take it after the ridiculous weekend i had. the big komen event is now over for me. yay! it was exhausting, fun and painful. i earned 43 activity points and ate every single one (and then some...). i won't do a full recap, but here are some highlights and insights

- i love DC so very much. walking through downtown was actually not terrible in terms of scenery. the route wasn't too bad around the mall and parts of NW. georgetown? awful. i love bricks, but old uneven busted up brick walkways are not your friend. i was tweeting (i'm a rule breaker. what of it :p) most of the morning with no walking issue. when do i trip? on a brick a half inch above the others when i was just talking to N, looking where i was going. ridiculous. as we got closer to MD, the blocks got longer, and there was a HUGE stretch uphill. however, there were still plenty of trees and such to shade our path

- i pulled a muscle in my right foot on day one. at first, i just fanned my toes out with each step and full stretched at every brief stop, which helped. however, i did reach a point where i felt i should stop so i did. know your body, people. unfortunately, my foot wasn't back to 100% for saturday so the first six miles were a little hard. i had them wrap my foot/ankle though and felt sooo much better after. while i was waiting at medical, i nearly threw up/passed out because my blood sugar crashed. what was that about knowing your body? i did not take into account the faster pace and longer stretches of hill with fewer breaks. should've been guzzling my powerade before that point. luckily, i scarfed some water and goldfish before my body went into full retaliation. after that i went at a much slower pace

- hills are not my friend. i sprained both knees (left worse than right) ages ago and didn't really heal the way i was supposed to. come on, i was seven and crutches were not cool. if i push myself too hard, i get little flare ups of knee pain. well saturday i pushed too hard. i called it quits about half way through the course, but didn't think i needed to ice/wrap it. i am an idiot. sunday i could barely make it the first three miles. i was willing myself not to cry it hurt so bad. unfortunately, there was no medical at the first stop so i got swept to the second. 20 minutes with an icepack, got wrapped and got swept to lunch. after lunch, i felt much better. the wrap reduced my range of motion, which kept it to the dull pain space. stepping on and off curbs didn't send spasms of horror up my legs :) walked the next 3.2, but was so exhausted from adjusting my stride for the limp that i opted to sweep to the end instead of walking it. although, for the amount of time we sat on the bus (two hours), we probably could've hobbled those last 3.1 *shrug* still proud of the miles i actually conquered (and i got a nap heehee)

- massages after day two? genius! i'm so glad amy asked her guy to come down for us after the longest most exhausting day. if anyone's planning to do a multiday event, i highly recommend booking a massage for midway through the event. also if you're planning to do a multiday event, be prepared to take a couple extra days off work afterwards. i worked from home monday, which consisted of icing my knee (because it was actually swollen) and taking a two hour hot bath. tuesday was rough, but i made it through the day ok. yesterday was the real test since i had class. i survived and iced when i got home just as a precaution. today? only a little tightness from sitting in the same position. so i get up every so often to give it a little stretch. i think i'll be ok after this weekend

- "camping" in a hotel? oh hell yea that $200 was worth it. sucks that we had to switch hotels at the last minute, but i'll be damned if i was gonna sleep in a pink tent for two nights. warm comfy beds, bathtub, private potty, cable and wireless internets make for very happy michelles. yes, i am a princess :p

the weekend was definitely an adventure. and of course i've already started looking at other events for 2011 :) i will walk again, but i won't be doing the komen 3day. it was just a bit too intense for me. have any of you participated in events that you'd recommend (i'm not exclusive to breast cancer ;))? have any advice for surviving extended events? want to send me cookies for being so awesome?

just kidding on that last one :)


  1. You definitely ROCK! And deserve cookies...like an all-you-can-eat cookie bar :) Kudos to you for sticking it out and being a ROCK STAR! You are awesome! :)

    <3 me
