August 16, 2010

challenge wk2

week two? over. challenge? failed... this week it was all about eating more veggies. i planned to make stuffed peppers and greek salad for a couple meals. plus i picked up broccoli and chicken for the weekend. nothing ever really goes according to plan though :p i ended up using the extra stuffing to make tacos a couple times. plus i went to a birthday party on saturday; snacked on veggies and breads with dip. *shrug* it happens. i did manage to learn some things about myself

- i actually don't eat as much pasta and bread as i used to. i LOVE carbs, but i don't down them with every meal. if i do have bread or pasta, i make sure it's low fat and/or whole grain. might as well make a smart choice to satisfy my tummy's desires. i also don't load up on items like i used to. senior year of college, we used to all take turns cooking. somehow, we'd all be thinking alike so each week had similar dishes. spaghetti with meat sauce, baked ziti, goulash, etc. during pasta weeks, we always loaded up on garlic bread. seriously should've bought stock in texas toast :) we easily would go through three boxes every two days. nowadays, i skip the side breads. i never even think about them. this week will probably be a pasta week purely because i have extra beef that needs to get eaten asap. plus i do still have that broccoli and chicken i'll be making for tomorrow

- i reinforced my hate of cooking. i don't mind the prep work (the chopping and measuring), but the actual cooking bores me. by the time i get to it, i'm tired and grouchy. so last week, i made the stuffed peppers in stages. monday, i prepped everything - zuccini, onions, etc. tuesday, i stuffed and baked the peppers. wednesday & friday, i ate them (thursday, i had sushi with the family). similarly, while i cooked the peppers, i prepped the cucumber and such for the greek salad. the salad was not my favorite, but at least i attempted to make and eat something new. overall, i was much less unhappy about cooking. plus i didn't eat so late after hours of prep work (i really don't belong in a kitchen when cookies aren't involved). upside of attempted salad? i discovered a love for fresh dill. i think might whip up a dill dip for this weekend to use the last of it. of course i'll need more veggies then...

so i guess it wasn't a horrible failure overall. i have some new food options and a little food inspiration... pictures and recipes are forthcoming i swear. gotta upload those photos when i get home :) hope you're weekends were good

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