February 27, 2010

20 in 20 update

so who wants to guess how well im doing on my 20 lbs in 20 weeks challenge? anyone? anyone?

yea, crashing and burning would be the correct answer here. i say this with as much love for my awesome self as i can muster: i am a lazy fuck. my current weight is 5.2 lbs higher than i need to be to make my goal. with only four weeks left and 10ish lbs to go, i kinda want to throw in the towel. hit the reset button and start all over. why are those last 10 so hard? it's like my body is freaking out that i'm trying to treat it better. "but what if i neeeeed those lbs later? like during the impending zombiepocalypse!?" my body is a fat hoarder... and i'm aiding and abetting

motivation, are you out there? please come hang out with me again... please?


  1. LOL don't throw in the towel - it's not worth it, I promise!!

    YOU CAN DO IT....maybe you should come to GA and participate in a 5K with me! ;)

  2. lol getting me in a 5k would be a miracle in itself

  3. Ok here I a your motivation---pick that towel off the floor,keep that pretty head up and stand up straight!! Listen to me! You are a strong and beautiful woman. You have set a goal for yourself and you sure as heck are not going to let yourself down. Sure french fries sound good but have you seen Food INc? Do we realize what is inside of them? Our bodies are our house--we need to treat the as well as we can. My husband lost 4O pounds on weight watchers and gained it back and then lost it again. You can do anything you put your mind to. Us humans....we rock. We can do anything--you can do anything. We all have setbacks---and although it may bring us down and make us feel like giving up--the setbacks really are just another stepping stone to the most graceful comeback!
