May 20, 2009

Off the wagon?

Last weekend was not my best showing. I attended a destination wedding with my best friend on beautiful St. Simon's Island in GA. I did great on the drive down - 1/2 Dunkin Donuts breakfast sandwich before (3), other half during (3), McDonald's salad (4), spinach dip with tortilla chips (12), house salad (1), and mini crab cakes (4). I was only two points over my daily max, but I hadn't used much of my weekly allowance. Saturday began my downfall...

Breakfast was delicious (everyday we plotted to smuggle the chef home) and so filling, I "skipped" lunch. I had just two of my leftover mini crab cakes before getting an awesome massage. Then came the "non rehearsal" rehearsal dinner with plenty of A friendly food. She's a nutritionist by night and super healthy. So I was able to snack on wheat crackers and celery sticks... and tequila. Wasn't the worst evening, but the overall day used an extra 5.5 points.

Monday is what really got me - another delicious breakfast and mini lunch (15)... and a 51 point dinner. There were Asian inspired appetizers (sushi, potstickers & spring rolls), salads (avocado, seaweed & fruit) and your standard entres (fish, beef & pork). A & M also designed their own drink menu. The drinks (and there were many) and the slice of carrot wedding cake (complete with buttercream icing) did me in. The only thing that saved me was all the walking/standing around we did over the weekend. I was able to earn enough activity that I only exceeded my weekly allowance by a 1/2 point.

The drive back on Tuesday was carefully planned out. I had a frittata, fruit plate and whole milk for breakfast (10.5), which lasted me until midafternoon. We stopped at McDonald's again so I had another salad (4). Then we stopped in Richmond at Sheetz, and I finally got the shmagel (12) I'd been craving for two weeks. I ate half and downed a Smart Water. I wasn't hungry when we got home at 1030, but I had 4.5 points to use. Just to get them in, I had a serving of Cheetos Twists (3) and a glass of V8 Splash (1). I figured that last 1/2 point wouldn't be necessary since I'd eaten so much on Monday.

Today is my weigh in day (the beginning of a new "week"), and I'm super nervous. I can't estimate the potential damage, but I definitely don't think I'll hit my goal of 5 pounds lost. Maybe next week...?

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